My goal is to provide goaltenders and coaches with a compilation of good and correct advice, tips and instruction. There is a lot of excellent material out there and a lot of incredible teachers. Unfortunately there is also a ton of bad info, advice and video. We review everything and provide our visitors with great content. Feel free to recommend or submit material for inclusion. We support all within the goaltending community who provide concise information to help coaches and goalies alike.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Great Description and Graphics on Breakaway Play
This video does an excellent job of showing most breakaway scenario's and how to properly play them.
The only additional information I would offer if to be sure and rotate the catch glove down to close of the lower portion of the net when executing a butterfly slide.
An excerpt from Goaler U's Instructional Goaltending Mastery series.
Detailed Explanation on How To Remain Square to The Puck AND Net
Detailed explanation with good graphics and well laid out information.
An excerpt from Goaler U's Instructional Goaltending Mastery series.
There is no instruction here, but pay close attention to how hard these guys work. There is no complaining, no hesitation, no wasted time. They are there to do a job and they do it to the best of their ability. All young goalies can learn from this and work on giving your all at every practice.
Source: Slapshotgoal - Detroit Red Wings 2013 Development Camp. July 14, 2013 - Day 4
Shooting, And Stick Use
Really well done instruction for handling and shooting.
Source is: StaubersGoalcrease in MN.
These guys always produce really solid technical information, that the average minor hockey coach and goaltender can still understand.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Small-Area Hockey Goalie Drills for Concentration, Tracking and Depth
COACHES, PARENTS and GOALIES Need To Watch This One!!
The presenter in this video does an INCREDIBLE job of explaining some really important facts about why these drills are great for goalies and what coaches should be looking to work on in them, but his commentary at 2:03 and in particular from 4:40 to 5:45 are dead on and I could not have said it better.
I strongly encourage coaches, parents and goalies to listen to his advice and comments at these points in the video.
The only issue I have with the game footage is that everything he is talking about…isn't happening in the game situation portions. There is no coaching being done during these segments of play.
Source: GottaloveCT hockey - Presenter Jared Waimon
Lateral Movement From Butterfly - One of the More Difficult Moves To Learn
This is a good explanation of how to execute this very difficult move for younger goalies to learn. The key is in the skate plant and weight transfer.
There are some common mistakes and elements of the instruction that are lacking and will help in the teaching.
The goalie must point the skate FORWARD, many goalies turn the skate to point left or right, which cases 'slip out'.
It is also important to note that the push skate will almost never be as far inward as the initial stationary position shown in the video, but this is the initial teaching point where you want the goaltender to begin learning from. A simple instruction is "place the skate where your knee was."
Having the goaltender assume the 'loaded' position and then stand up, will reinforce the correct loaded position and help them understand why it is so important to position the skate properly. With younger goalies, I suggest this technique be repeated several times before the butterfly push is attempted and again when the goaltender inevitably starts to slip out as they lose skate position.
The other issue that commonly occurs is when the goalie leans into the direction they will be travelling, which takes pressure off the push skate and causes loss of 'bite into the ice, resulting in a loss of power and/or speed. The skate also often slips out when the weight is transferred too soon or the goaltender leans forward as you will see at 1:38 of the video.
Source: Goalrobber - Presenter not named
Post Coverage, Lateral Movement, Butterfly
A detailed and accurate information on movement and post coverage.
Solid information and well presented.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Our New Pinterest Page - GEAR CONTEST
Visit our new Pinterest page and pin pis of your gear. Regular prizes
Great article on Finnish Goaltending and It's Roots
When I visited Finland in the mid 90's, I understood very quickly why they are so successful. Jukka played a huge part in how Puckstoppers and my own coaching style evolved and I will always be thankful for having the opportunity to have learned from the Finns.
This is a good quick read for anyone who has kids.
Coaching and working with kids for nearly 30 years now (and having 3 of my own) I see these things happen every day and I see the consequences of parents who refuse to parent.
We have all made these mistakes at one time or another, but if we don't learn from our mistakes and correct them, our kids are the ones who suffer and grow up with a sense of entitlement, disrespect for authority, a lack of self respect, anxiety issues and more.